How to Internal Audit running well
What is Internal Audit......?

Why Need Internal Audit.....
To get an accurate describe independently and see how an organization or department of the current.
Who audits?
-Dedicated internal auditors
-“Part-time” internal auditors
-Auditors from sister or parent company
-Outsource auditing
Internal Audit is a professional activity which helps organisations to achieve their stated objectives by:
-Analyzing key processes, procedures & operations
-Identifying key controls in each such operation, procedure & process
-Evaluating the adequacy of these controls
-Testing compliance of sample transactions against these controls
Contents of Audit Report
+Narration/ description
-Remedial action
-Consequences/ fall out
-Recommendation for improvement (prioritized between “high” and “normal”)
-Response (action plan) – who, when and how
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